FRED Product Lifecycle: System Specification Updates

Technology, it seems, never sleeps.  To that end, we've recently transitioned our FRED, FREDC Data Center, FRED Workgroup Server, and FRED-L forensic products to new, upgraded system specifications. 

FRED workstations are now available with the choice of AMD or Intel (i9 or single Xeon) processors.  New configurations bring greater processing power, increased RAM, faster clocking, and one additional NVMe internal drive to our core forensic workstation group.

The FRED-L forensic laptop update focuses on processing power, faster clocking, a third internal drive, plus a larger UHD 17.3 inch display.

Our FREDC Data Center solution receives upgrades to the SERVER-RM (new core dense Intel Xeon technology) and FRED-RM (more cores/threads, faster clock speed, and more internal NVMe drives).  The SERVER-RM upgrades are also applicable to the FREDC Workgroup Server solution.

As always, our goals are to improve our products by providing proven, high-performance technology at a value price - coupled with the best technical support in the business.

Please visit our product overview and tech spec web pages for a deeper dive into the new FRED configurations.  If you have any questions, we are easy to reach simply by sending a ticket.